Samsung launched a new tablet device in Indian market called Samsung Galaxy Tab Iris. Samsung Galaxy Tab iris is completely made for India. It costs at Rs 13,499. The device is equipped with iris-recognition technology (In short it is ready for Aadhaar authentication through an integrated biometric device).
The tablet is also said to be a big tech device to achieve Digital India Vision, says the firm. It is expected to support Indian government benefit programs along with banks and financial institutions.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab Iris is Aadhaar-compliant (UIDAI). It can be used for child enrolment program where biometrics of the parent is used to authenticate children for Aadhar enrolment.
Release Date: 25 May 2016
Price in Delhi: Rs. 13499
Display: 7-inch WSVGA (1024x600 pixels)
Quad-core 1.2GHz processor
Expandable storage up to 200 GB
Storage Type: MicroSD
OS: Android 5.0 Lollipop
2G, 3G supported
- Samsung Introduces Galaxy Tab Iris Equipped with Iris Recognition Technology for Government and Enterprises in India retrieved on 25 May, 2016 published on Samsung news room
- Samsung Galaxy Tab Iris retrieved on 25 May 2016 published on Gadgets.NDTV India
- Samsung launches 'Made in India' Galaxy Tab with biometric technology retrieved on May 25, 2016 published on TOI